quinta-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2014

London - the arrival

Dear friends, I'm going to be writing my adventures in English, so I can practice a little bit, once I will have to write a lot for the PhD. If you read something wrong and you wish to help me, you can let me know!!! :)

The trip to London was an adventure itself. First of all, my cousin got lost in the way to the airport, and I got there 30 minutes after I was supposed to... But then it was fine, I did not have problem because of that delay. I hung out with my family at the airport until 22h30, which was the recommended time for me to go through the security gates. The flight was at 23h30. But, how surprised I was when I saw a 1 km queue. During the next hour in the queue the only thought was that I had lost my flight (one of the airport employees told me I could loose the flight, even though it was not my fault). At the end, the airplane did not departure without me nor any of the passengers who were in the queue. During the flight I kept on thinking in everything else but my family and friends I was leaving Brazil to start a "new three years life" on the other side of the Atlantic... The few moments I thought about it, I couldn't hold my tears... But right away I turned on the TV and tried to watch some City Com.Two girls sat next to me, and by the way they talked to each other I realised they were very good friends. It made my trip even worse, because I remembered my own friends who I would not see for a long time. W
hat a privilege is to be near the people you love... it is the biggest treasure of all... That was what I was leaving behind. But it seemed that it was my destiny and I have never really had a choice... I know it may seem strange, but it was like I felt during all this process. After I got off the airplane, It was time to go to my new home. Thankfully a friend was waiting for me at airport and he helped me with the suitcases. Actually he did all the hard work...

My first impression of London was: this place is so dark! It was only 4pm and the sky was clear, however it was so dark, as if the sky was covered all over by clouds. Welcome to London! That's right! However it did not diminish the beauty of the city. I've never seen so much history in just one place! Historic buildings and the River Thames were the two things that stuck to my mind. Ah, the River Thames... so poetic... 

Two days after my arrival, I was getting home when suddenly I saw a Police man going out of my house. Then I remembered the immigration employee in the airport had recommended me to go and register in the Police. But at that time I didn't remember if it was: register in the police right away or after the university enrolment. Then, as I approached the house, I thought: I should have registered in the police... the police man is here because of that, he is going to send me back to Brazil... I tried to get in the house without catching the police man's attention, but it did not work. He was already in the car but he saw me and called me. I was so frightened that I had to ask him to repeat three times what he was saying. He was asking me: "What flat do you live in?" and I thought he was asking me: "How long do you live here?". After my reply he asked me if I knew the Flat 2 residents, and I replied: "No I've JUST arrived", so he could have no doubts that I was within the deadline for the police registration.

To be continued....

4 comentários:

ma disse...

Good luck, darling! Can't wait for the next chapters :)

Alice disse...

Aiii, li só agora!
Caraca, que adrenalina que foi até chegar em Londres.
Apesar de não estarmos com você fisicamente, saiba que está sempre com a gente em pensamento, pois você é muito especial.

Helena disse...

Que nosso Deus te ilumine,te dê forças e persistência.Te admiro.Sua mãe.

Anônimo disse...

Sarah em um momento Doug Funnie (me refiro à ideia de ser deportada rs). Quem nunca? hahaha

Aguardando as próximas aventuras!

Beijos e boa sorte!
